In the Gospel of John, Jesus makes some very bold claims about himself in what have come to be known as the "I AM" statements of Christ.
Jesus said, "I AM..." "The Bread of life" John 6:35, 48, 51 "The Light of the world" John 8:12, 9:5 "The Door" John 10:7,9 "The Good Shepherd" John 10:11,14 "The Resurrection and Life" John 11:25 "The Way, The Truth, and Life" John 14:6 "The True Vine" John 15:1 Each one of them describes something very important about his nature and character as God. In the weeks leading up to Easter we will be taking an in depth look at what each of these statements by Jesus meant to the people who heard them as well as what they mean for us today.
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