![]() The Well is blessed to have Tyanne Bailey take the reigns of the Children's Ministry! We've asked her a few questions in order to give you the opportunity to get to know her a little better. Feel free to reach out to her if you have any questions on Children's Ministry at The Well, and if you'd like to serve! How long have you been attending The Well? A little over a year. What is your favorite part about attending The Well? Our entire family enjoys it! There is no "convincing" anyone to go and everyone is disappointed if we have to miss, even the girls. I enjoy getting to know new people and build relationships that are "real". The Well is a great fit for our family as a whole...the music is upbeat, the sermons are real...a great balance. What inspires you on a daily basis? My family. Tell us about your family? Phil and I have been married for 8 1/2 years. We have 3 daughters. Haiden Nicole (6yrs), Harper Jo (4yrs.), Hadley Jaymes (4 months) How did you meet your Husband? College (Huntington). Well the real story is that all through college we were friends and hung around with the same group (I dated his roommate all 4 years...haha) and he was always wanting me to find someone to set him up with. Well, I never could find anyone for him and now we are married! :) Are you a sports fan, or do you just humor Phil? I am a sports fan, but NOT as much as Phil. He knows EVERY statistic around! I played sports when I was in school. ESPN is ALWAYS on at our house or a game of some sort. Typically I will read if a game is on that I don't care about as much, but I like the "background noise" of having the game on. Although I do enjoy having the TV to myself - if the Bears are playing, the girls are sleeping, & Phil is watching with a group of guys in the basement...then I take advantage of the alone time and watch something else! :) Where do you work by day? I teach special education at Wabash High School. My students are typically ages 13-22 and have moderate to intense disabilities. It can be fun, difficult, and rewarding all at the same time. It's a great job because my students LOVE school! Sometimes they have bad days, but the next day they start all over and are excited to be at school. We could all learn a lesson from them, myself included! :) Where did you attend college? Bachelors from Huntington College (double major in Special Education k-12 and Elementary Education), Masters from Ball State (Intense Intervention) What is your favorite time of year? Summer. I like warm weather, hanging out at the lake & spending extra time at home with my family...yes, we are ALL home in the summer...sometimes a little too much togetherness! haha! What is your favorite place to visit? The Beach...anywhere warm. What is your favorite place to eat out? Any place that has pasta. What do you do to relax? I like to read. What are your hobbies? I enjoy reading, doing DIY projects, basically anything creative! What do you hope to accomplish as Children's Ministry Coordinator? I want to create an atmosphere that kids WANT to come to church, WANT to bring friends, and WANT to ask their parent to come! Our program is growing so much and there are so many more babies on the way! :)
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